
Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

ini ada pertanyaan loh

1.       what is object-oriented analysis, and what are some advantages of using this technique?
2.       define an object, and give an example?
3.       define an attribute, and give an example?
4.       define an method, and give an example?
5.       define encapsulation, and explain the benefits it provides?
6.       define polymorphism, and give an example?
7.       define a class, subclass, and superclass, and give examples?
8.       search the internet for information about the history and development of UML
9.       search the internet for information about groups and organizations that support and discuss object-oriented methods and issues
10.   search the internet for information about CASE tools that provide UML support


Contoh HIPO VTOC Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit

Class diagram studi kasus pembelian barang

Sequence diagram pada sistem perpustakaan

Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

DFD sistem Order Barang Keluar

DFD level 0-2

Aplikasi Sistem Order Barang Keluar sebuah perusahaan penerbitan koran. 

Buat Hotspot

Tugas dari dosen jaringan komputer , merancang sebuah network dengan sebuah server HTTP, client menggunakan hotspot melalui access point  dengan tehnik DHCP.